Energy Healing Awakening, Part 1

A late afternoon in Hyde Park, London, UK in November of 2012




It was a difficult time. I was so low in my energy. Despondent. Unmotivated.

“I have to do something… I can’t just stay in here all day.”
I thought to myself, while laying in my bed, around 3:30 in the afternoon.


It was a clear autumn day in London.
I pulled myself out of bed and got ready enough to walk myself to Hyde park.

I made it to the pond just as the sun was starting to sink beneath the nearby trees and building tops.

I sat down in front of one of the trees, with my back leaning on it.


Glazed gazing out over the changing light, I felt I saw some darker figure move by me.

In a robust Jamaican accent, I heard
“You know,
they say
that when a person is sitting next to a tree,
they are trying to get the energy
from the tree.”

I looked up and over to see a dark skinned man with long dreadlocks speaking to me.


“Sure… I could really use some tree energy right now.”
I’m not sure if I was thinking this to myself, of said this out loud.


He went on speaking to me… explaining that he works with energy, and that an Italian family had brought him over from his home island in the Caribbean. That his Grandfather was once a renowned energy healer there, expressing what that meant in that he would do things like go into the jungle and find herbs that he would use to massage into the backs of people to cure ailments.

He told me that people have an aura around them, that is their own personal expression and field of energy, and that he himself could see this field of energy.

“You have a leak in your field, and you’re loosing a lot of energy. It’s over your right shoulder…
Maybe something happened to you a year or year and a half ago that created this tear.
I can help you fix it.”

It started to awaken some inner sense within me… as I remembered that anxiety provoking time and corresponding events in the semi-recent past.

I acknowledged what he was saying and asked what I could do.

“Come, let’s walk by the water.” He said.


Still numb, but willing, I stood up with the tree and walked towards him.

We started walking towards the pond together.

I don’t remember the details, but he was explaining different techniques for clearing my energy field and healing my aura.

At some point we stoped and were facing the pond.


“Feel your feet, open your palms with your arms straight.
Lift your right leg and breathe in, sweep your palms up to the sky – good
Breathe out and jump to your other foot, and through your center push your arms down fast.
Again let’s inhale, up,
And exhale change sides.”


I felt somewhat odd.

But that was better than the nothingness.

The sun was leaving and it was getting darker in the park.

He told me that he had a healing room nearby in Notting Hill. On the top floor of one of the buildings… that we could go there.

I said “okay” and we started walking…



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